Medial Branch/Facet Blocks & Radiofrequency Ablation


  • Facet joints (zygapophysial joints) are part of the bony framework of the spine. They are small joints on the back of the spine, found in all levels from the cervical spine down to the lumbosacral region.

  • Pain in your neck or back may be due to arthritis or degeneration of the joints.


  • A medial branch block is an injection of a small amount of local anesthetic medication (such as bupivacaine) on the medial branch nerves - the small nerve which transmits pain impulses from the facet joints.

  • This is used as a diagnostic procedure to see if your neck pain or back pain is coming from the facet joints. Temporary pain relief after this procedure will predict the efficacy of radiofrequency ablation on the medial branch nerves around the facet joint.


  • Radiofrequency ablation (lesioning) is a minimally invasive procedure that can provide lasting relief to those suffering from facet joint pain.

  • Involves applying heat through the tip of a needle to certain sensory branches of nerves to “shut off” the transmission of pain signals.

  • Performed on an outpatient basis with high success rates and low complication rates.

  • Benefits: Long-lasting pain relief compared to steroid injections, Low complication and morbidity rates, greater range of motion, lower use of analgesics, improved quality of life, and short recovery time.